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Fringe Kimonos for Every Event

Let the color of a fringe kimono express your mood and charismatic personality. Wear your wit on your shoulders with a light-hearted beige Amandari Fringe Kimono. Or let your thoughtfulness define you with a laid-back black Capri resort kimono.

Keep the stifling feeling away on long vacations, with our open and airy fringe kimonos. The long sleeves will protect you from the burns of the sun, while the fringes dance in the wind. Kick back on the beach and enjoy like royalty. 

Order a Fringe Kimono Today

We make inclusive kimonos that fit everyone, from small to plus size. Every one of our fringe boho kimono is made with light but durable rayon. It feels like a full-length kimono jacket that clings to your body but doesn't hinder you.

Since every kimono is unisex, you won't have to order a separate kimono for women or men. Order our hand-sewn and high-quality fringe kimonos from any part of the world. We at Born in Stockholm will deliver them to your doorstep.